Satisfaction and Associated Factors among Mothers Delivered at Asrade Zewude Memorial Primary Hospital, Bure, West Gojjam, Amhara, Ethiopia: A Cross Sectional Study
Introduction: Maternal satisfaction is a means of evaluating quality of maternal health care given in health facilities. The objective was to assess the level of maternal Satisfaction and associated factors at Asrade Zewude Memorial Primary Hospital.
Method: Cross-sectional study was conducted on 420 clients by systematic sampling method from February 8, 2017 to September 25, 2017. Structured questionnaire that was prepared by Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health was used. Pre-testing was done prior to the actual data collection process on a sample of 20 respondents and modified accordingly. The study was approved by Asrade Zewude Memorial Primary Hospital Senior Management Committee. The collected data were checked for completeness and consistency before being coded, entered and analyzed using SPSS version 16. Logistic regression was used to assess the presence of association between dependent and independent variables using SPSS at 95% CI and 5% margin of error.
Result: The study revealed that level of satisfaction among delivering mothers was 88%. Educational level (AOR = 2.15, 95% CI = [1.02-3.71], access to ambulance service (AOR=3.15, 95% CI=[1.02-3.78], respect full delivery service (AOR=6.85, 95%CI=[4.35-6.95], welcoming hospital environment (AOR=3.09, 95% CI = [2.30-2.69], proper labor pain management (AOR=4.51, (95% CI=(3.12-5.01) and listening to their questions [AOR=3.95, 95%CI [2.35-4.36] were independent predictors for maternal satisfaction.
Conclusion and Recommendation: Even though most of the participants were satisfied, they still had unmet needs and expectations in the delivery service provider. The identified main determinants were level of education, access to ambulance service, welcoming hospital environment, proper pain management and listening to their questions. Therefore, there is a need to improve the care given to maternity and appropriate strategy should be designed to address the unmet needs of mothers delivered in the hospital.
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