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Rim, Hyejoon
Riyadi, Hanes, Institut Bisnis dan Informasi Kwik Kian Gie (Indonesia)
Rizan, Mohamad
Rogers, Kyle, CTI Education Group (Bedfordview campus) (South Africa)
Roghayeh, Jokar Payborji,, Islamic Azad university of Najaf Nbad (United States)
Roknifard, Amir
Roodsaz, Habib, Associate Professor, Faculty of Management, University of Allameh Tabatabaei (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Rossanty, Yossie
Rozzani, Nabilah
Rukuni, Tarisai Fritz, CTI Education Group (Bedfordview campus) (South Africa)
Rulangaranga, Donatus Mugisha, Makerere University Business School (Uganda) ICT University (Cameroon and USA) (Uganda)
Sabourin, Vincent, School of Management at the University of Quebec at Montréal (UQAM)
Sadat Ahangari, Saadeh (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Sadat Fagheyi, Maryam (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Sadeghian, Mohammad Reza Hoshyar
Safari, Hossein (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Safran, Barış, İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi (Turkey)
Sahar, Noor-us, Karachi University of Business School Karachi (Pakistan)
Sahin, Cigdem, Uskudar University (Turkey)
Saleem, Muhammad Shoaib, Unviersiti Teknologi PETRONAS (Malaysia)
Salim, M. Noor, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mercu Buana-Indonesia (Indonesia)
Salim, M. Noor, Mercu Buana University (Indonesia)
Salleh, Rohani Bt, Unviersiti Teknologi PETRONAS (Malaysia)
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Business Management and Strategy ISSN 2157-6068
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