Intertextuality as a Tool to Determine Syntax

Yazeed M. Hammouri, Marwan A. Jarrah, Sami K. Khawaldeh


The aim of the present study was to indicate that intertextuality could be a viable approach to determine certain syntactical aspects through laying down the intended meaning of words. In order to do just this, the researchers selected a syntactically ambiguous verse cited from the Glorious Quran; this verse is Al-Tahrim, (4). As for the machinery, a two-level analysis has been attempted. At the first level, the interpretations of some major Muslim expositors were provided, taking into consideration their understanding to the syntax of this verse. At the second, some attempts are made up to provide alternative explanations by bringing out the local and global intuitions that the key words of the verse invoke in the Qur'anic text as a coherent whole. Concerning the findings, the study indicated that the classic interpretations of this verse must be revisited as they are mostly inaccurate. These conclusions include the following. The word /ḑahiir/ is best rendered into English as a helper and is not a characteristic of Allah Almighty. In addition, the word /nasiir/ is best rendered into English as something that gets you win and can be used to describe Allah Almighty.

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