Typology of Implicature Questions in TOEFL-Like and Causes of Failure According to Gender

Hasan Arifuddin, Susanto Susanto, Suharsono Suharsono


Since women tend to use indirect speech, it is assumed that women  face different causes of failure in each type of implicature question when doing Part A Listening Comprehension of  TOEFL-like.  The present study aims at exploring the: 1) types of  implicature question that male test-takers failed to answer and the causes of failure and 2) types of  implicature question that female test-takers failed to answer and the causes of failure. This case study involved six students of English Education Program University of Mataram selected based on the result of the preliminary study. Data were collected with tests, retrospective report, inventory of causes of failure, interview, recording and human instrument. Data were analyzed with Mixed Methods: Embeded Design. It shows that types of implicature questions that male and female test-takers’ failed to answer are similar, except Predictable action question. However, some causes of failure to answer certain implicature questions are different. Detailed findings are shown.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijl.v5i6.4289

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International Journal of Linguistics  ISSN 1948-5425  Email: ijl@macrothink.org

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