Attitudes and Motivations for Learning Italian as a Foreign Language in Jordan
This study aims to investigate the attitudes and motivation Jordanian Italian majors have for learning Italian as a foreign language. It also aims to find out if there are statistical significant differences among the respondents attitudes and motivations for learning Italian as a foreign language inJordanattributed to gender, age, schooling background, place of residence and academic year of study. The instrument used is a five-point Likert scale questionnaire based on Flaitz (1988) andGardnerand Maclntyre (1991). The results of the study show that Jordanian Italian majors have strong positive attitude towards learning Italian as a foreign language. According to the results, the types of motivation Jordanian Italian majors have for learning Italian as a foreign language are instrumental and integrative motivation; in fact they are found to be almost equally motivated (instrumentally and integratively). Also, the results demonstrate that there are no statistically significant differences among the respondents' attitudes and motivations for learning Italian as a foreign language inJordandue to gender, age, schooling background, place of residence and academic year of study.
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