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Leone, Matthew Charles, University of Nevada (United States)
Li, Yushi (Boni), Northern Kentucky University (United States)
Lotfata, Yasin, Middle East Technical University
Lovat, Terence, University of Newcastle (Austria)
Makki, Fadi
Manesh, Vahid Sanaei
Mansfield, Michelle, University of Newcastle (Australia)
Matemba, Daniel Devoted
Mayer, Lily, Babylon University (Iraq)
Mbuh, Anyam Pius, University of Buea (Cameroon)
Mehta, Rian, Florida Institute of Technology (United States)
Mekvabishvili, Rati
Mngomezulu, Bheki Richard
Mocombe, Paul C.
Mokgalong, Mahlo, University of Limpopo, Sovenga, South Africa (South Africa)
Moneva, Jerald C.
Moniruzzaman, M., International Islamic University Malaysia (Malaysia)
Moss, Simon Andrew, Charles Darwin University (Australia)
Mridha, Md. Anwar Hossain, Director, Bangladesh Betar, Bangladesh.
Mukarromah, Oom, IAIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten (Indonesia)
Mulcahy, F. David, NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering (United States)
Mundia, Lawrence
Murthy, Shankar, National Institute Of Industrial Engineering (NITIE)
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